Margaret Ross retired as Chief Executive of Waverley Housing on Friday 26th January 2018 after 24 years’ service. Margaret started her career with Waverley Housing in January 1994 within Corporate Services and held a number of posts over the years before appointment to the Chief Executive’s role in 2011.
During her years with Waverley Margaret has seen many changes and has been instrumental in ensuring Waverley continues to thrive and meet new challenges. In particular, during the banking crisis of 2008, Margaret successfully secured the refinancing of a £22 million loan when funder Lehman Brothers collapsed. During her time as Chief Executive, Waverley was awarded Scottish SME Employer of the Year for investment in apprenticeships and became the first organisation in the Scottish Borders to achieve Worldhost and the Living Wage accreditation.
Margaret leaves Waverley secure in the knowledge that it is in the safe hands of her successor Fraser Kelly who is well equipped to lead Waverley into the next chapter and strengthen Waverley’s position as a social housing provider within the Scottish Borders.