Over the summer months we are aiming to get out and about in the communities we serve to meet our tenants and prospective tenants and to give them an opportunity to speak with our staff and find out what we have been up to and what is in the pipeline going forwards!
We kicked off these events at the Pop Up shop in Hawick on Wednesday 17th June and were pleased to see a number of our tenants drop in for a visit and even managed to sign up one or two for tenant scrutiny activities! So Simply Silver joined us to sell unique hand crafted and custom made sterling silver jewellery on the day.
Next we headed over to Selkirk on Wednesday 24th July for another Pop Up Shop event and again we were pleased that a number of tenants took the opportunity to drop in and meet with us and to discuss matters of relevant interest. Iona Butlin Photography accompanied us on this occasion and had a lovely selection of photographic prints on sale.
Our next community information event will take place at Burnfoot Carnival on Saturday 4th July and we would be delighted if our tenants stopped by our stall to say hello!
We will be at the Pop Up shop in Channel Street, Galashiels on Thursday 9th July and then hope to arrange events in Kelso and Jedburgh.