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On Friday 23rd March, Ark Consultancy held a Planning For Real session in Langlee Primary School.   The event was another opportunity for people, living in Upper Langlee, to be involved in designing the future of the area.   The day got underway with pupils from Langlee Primary designing their own ‘ideal home’ for where they live in Upper Langlee. This was done with the help of Camerons Architects, Ark Consultancy, and the teacher involved in the workshop.   These ideas were created on ‘ideal home postcards’ which were then built into a 3D computer which combined the best elements of everyone’s designs into one ideal home. Finally, the children decided on the best position for their ideal home on a site plan of Upper Langlee.

The designs, and ideal home choices, were then placed on the ‘Ideal Home Wall’, which provided the starting point for discussions in the Planning for Real drop in event.   Around 30 people came along during the afternoon and provided us, and the consultants, with valuable feedback which was well informed and constructive.

The next stage is now to get moving on design options.   Digital copies of all the children’s work will be posted to the ‘Upper Langlee Matters’ Facebook page. This will show the children that their work not only influenced discussions at the Planning for Real Event, but will also help to influence everyone who visits the Facebook page, to take part in designing the future of Upper Langlee.

The next Planning for Real session will be held in May and residents will be advised of details in a future edition of the Upper Langlee Matters newsletter.

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