Deborah Taggart – Eildon Housing, Jayne Grace – Borders College, Margaret Ross – Waverley Housing, Paul Wheelhouse MSP, Lynn Crombie – SB Cares and Reuben Basak – Waverley Housing
As a Living Wage employer since 2015, and being the first registered social landlord in Scotland to become a Living Wage employer, Waverley are fully committed to supporting the Living Wage in Scotland and encourage more employers in the Borders region and beyond to back this important initiative. It was therefore a pleasure for Waverley to host a ministerial visit from Paul Wheelhouse MSP, Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy on Friday 10th November to celebrated Living Wage Week (November 5-11). Also joining Waverley were representatives from SB Cares, the latest employer in the region to be receive Living Wage accreditation, Eildon Housing Association and Borders College.
The gathering of the fair pay advocates in Hawick was the culmination of another busy Living Wage Week which saw a new Living Wage rate of £8.75 per hour announced. In Scotland, accredited Living Wage employers span private, public and third sectors. The Scottish accreditation programme, run by The Poverty Alliance with funding from the Scottish Government, has recruited 1000 employers in just three and a half years.