This disclosure log details requests received by Waverley Housing, in the current and previous two financial years, for disclosures of information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (EIRS). We also publish Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) for disclosure of personal data under the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
Description of Request | Request Date | Response Date | |
2022/23 | |||
1 | DSAR To provide information from clients housing file. | 27/06/2022 | 14/07/2022 |
2 | DSAR All correspondence in relation to repairs issues. | 13/12/2022 | 22/12/2022 |
3 | DSAR All correspondence in relation to repairs issues. | 14/11/2022 | 15/12/2022 |
4 | FOI Number of pregnant women on our housing waiting list. | 08/02/2023 | 09/02/2023 |
5 | FOI Percentage of stock with heat pumps installed. | 13/02/2023 | 15/02/2023 |
6 | FOI Award of flooring contract | 10/03/2023 | 13/03/2023 |
7 | FOI Total number of people on our waiting list. Number of young people aged 18 and under on our waiting list. | 30/03/2023 | 11/04/2023 |
2023/24 | |||
1 | FOI Number of properties without fire-suppression systems | 18/04/2023 | 19/04/2023 |
2 | FOI Number of reports of mice and/or rats in social housing since 2018-19. | 26/04/2023 | 27/04/2023 |
3 | Number of homes that are not compliant with carbon monoxide regulations | 15/05/2023 | 15/05/2023 |
4 | FOI The average time needed for individuals/households to be placed in social housing. The longest time an individual/household has been waiting to be placed into social housing. | 30/05/2023 | 31/05/20323 |
5 | FOI Number of violent incidents involving staff | 31/05/2023 | 31/05/2023 |
6 | FOI The total number of social homes owned by Waverley Housing. The number of social homes, owned by Waverley Housing and built before 1980. | 27/06/2023 | 01/06/2023 |
7 | FOI Have Waverley Housing had and GDPR breaches | 01/06/2023 | 01/06/2023 |
8 | FOI Number of heat pumps installed in homes owned by Waverley Housing during the fiscal year 2022-23. | 06/06/2023 | 07/06/2023 |
9 | FOI The average amount in rent paid by households renting from Waverley Housing in June 2022 and June 2023. | 03/07/2023 | 04/07/2023 |
10 | FOI Number of Cruden Rural Homes owned by Waverley Housing | 03/07/2023 | 04/07/2023 |
11 | FOI Sustainable transport | 06/07/2023 | 10/07/2023 |
12 | FOI Number of evictions during over the course of eviction ban | 10/07/2023 | 12/07/2023 |
13 | FOI The number of Social Homes confirmed to contain Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC). The number of social homes surveyed for the presence of RAAC. | 08/09/2013 | 13/09/2013 |
14 | FOI The cost of repair work still to be carried out (maintenance backlog) in social homes that was scheduled for the fiscal year 2022-23. | 13/09/2023 | 14/09/2023 |
15 | FOI The number of social homes that have EPC ratings of D, E, F and G. If possible, any estimate of the cost of upgrading these buildings to EPC C. | 21/09/2023 | 25/09/2023 |
16 | FOI The number of complaints received with regards to social housing. | 26/09/2023 | 27/09/2023 |
17 | FOI The number of people identifying as disabled currently on social housing waiting lists. | 05/10/2023 | 09/10/2023 |
18 | FOI The amount in compensation paid to households for the presence of damp and mould. | 16/11/2023 | 19/12/2023 |
19 | FOI The number and type of pest infestation reports received within the last five years. | 12/02/2024 | 12/02/2024 |
2024/25 | |||
1 | FOI The number of social housing tenants in total evicted between 6 September 2022 and 31 March 2024, and the reasons for evictions. | 07/05/2024 | 13/05/2024 |
2 | FOI Total number of people on our waiting list. Number of young people aged under 18 on our waiting list. | 23/05/2024 | 29/05/2024 |
3 | FOI The number of socially rented homes that have reported having damp and mould in each year since 2007, with a breakdown by year. | 15/10/2024 | 30/10/2024 |
4 | FOI The percentage of buildings that are compliant with the Scottish Government’s regulations on interlinked fire and smoke alarms. | 15/10/2024 | 16/10/2024 |
5 | FOI As of the 1st of November 2024 the number of social homes have EPC ratings of D, E, F or G | 04/11/2024 | 06/11/2024 |
6 | FOI For each of the last five financial years, the number of complaints with regard to the condition of social housing properties? | 04/11/2024 | 06/11/2024 |
7 | FOI For Waverly Housing properties, as of the 1st of November 2024 the number of repairs request logged to be carried out in social housing? For Waverly Housing properties, as of the 1st of November 2024 the cost of repairs request logged to be carried out in social housing? | 04/11/2024 | 14/11/2024 |
8 | FOI Total number of occupants and number of UK Nationals who are occupants | 23/12/2024 | 08/01/2025 |