Waverley Housing periodically has garages available for let. If you are looking for a garage give us a ring on 01450 364200 and we will let you know if we currently have any garages available.
Tenants do not pay VAT on a garage rented from us. However, if the person renting a garage is not a tenant of Waverley Housing, they will be required to pay VAT at the current rate.
Waverley Housing will serve notice to terminate the garage lease for those who fall behind with their garage rent and if necessary, will take legal action to recover the garage from their possession, unless the arrears are paid in full.
Under normal circumstances Waverley Housing will not enter into any arrangements for paying up arrears. Where court action is required to recover the garage from the tenant’s possession Waverley Housing will seek to recover the court and associated costs from the persons involved.