Support for people who are victims of Domestic Abuse
In September 2019 and again in November 2022 Waverley Housing signed up to the Chartered Institute of Housing’s Make a Stand pledge, and this is part of our commitment to take action to support tenants or members of their households who are victims of domestic abuse.
Borders Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) team up to tackle Domestic Abuse
What is Domestic Abuse?
Domestic abuse is a pattern of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and/or violent behaviour, including sexual violence, by a partner or ex-partner, financial abuse, harassment, stalking and abuse via phone or social media. This list is by no means exhaustive but an example of what can be considered as Domestic Abuse.
Often when people think of domestic abuse they think of physical violence, but domestic abuse is very often so much more than that. For many women who live with domestic abuse there will be no scars, bruises or broken bones, but for some it can take their life. No one kind of abuse is more serious than any other.
Doestic abuse can happen to anyone, both women and men, and in all types of relationships – heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.
How We Can Help
If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, it’s really important to talk to someone about it. We’re here to help you so you don’t have to face it alone. If you feel unsafe in your home, we will listen to you and do everything we can to better your situation and keep you safe, and with your permission make referrals to specialist support agencies such as:
- Domestic Abuse Advocacy Support Service (DAAS) 01835 825024
- Borders Women’s Aid Refuge 01835 863514
- Scottish Borders Rape Crisis 0800 054 2445 01896 661070
- Shakti Women’s Aid 0131 475 2399
- Children’s 1st – Domestic Abuse Service 01750 22892
Please note:
a) you can contact the agencies above yourself if you prefer
b) if you are in immediate danger please call 999
We will assist you to remain in your home where it is safe to do so and can undertake a range of measures to help you feel safer in your home such as working with other agencies and we can fit external lighting, additional door locks and security chains etc.
If you need to speak to us, you can call us on 01450 364200 and ask for your Housing Officer or our Tenant Support Worker.
If you need help when our office is closed, you can phone the Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247.
For male specific help call Abused Men in Scotland on 0808 800 0024 (Monday -Friday – 9am-4pm).
We can also refer you to local and national support organization’s that can provide you with specialist practical and emotional support.
Waverley Housing are committed to the prevention of domestic abuse. Domestic abuse impacts on individuals, children, families, and communities and is a significant cause of homelessness. Through effective multi agency working, shared awareness training, and a joined-up response by agencies the overall aim of prevention of domestic abuse is a key objective of Waverley Housing.
For more information on local support services please visit the following link :
For more information about Make a Stand, see
Equally Safe Framework is a short life delivery plan, but it is part of a long-term strategy which is designed to challenge the notion that violence against women and girls is inevitable or acceptable, it also prioritises primary prevention.
Can we also provide a link to the UN WOMEN website which is promoting 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence. The campaign coincides with our Make a Stand Commitment and runs from Friday 25th November 2022.