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  1. If you have already had a tenancy or your own home and you wish to apply for housing with Waverley Housing please complete our on line application form or contact us at 01450 364200 and we can send you a form in the post.
  2. For those who are seeking a tenancy for the first time, it can be daunting, raising many questions along the way. If this will be your first tenancy and you would like advice as to what is involved in having your own tenancy you can contact Waverley Housing and make an appointment with our Tenancy Support Worker who will give you advice and update you on all the practicalities you will require in order to sustain your home, from budgeting to housekeeping.  From that conversation you can then decide if you still wish to go ahead with applying for a home of your own. If, after you have spoken to our Tenant Support Worker, you wish to go ahead with registering with Waverley Housing for a home, please complete our online application form or contact us at 01450 364200 and we can send you a form in the post.

If you are homeless and looking for emergency accommodation, please contact Scottish Borders Council Homeless Team on 0300 100 1800 for advice and assistance.

Member of the Armed Forces
If you are a member of the Armed Forces and looking for information on renting a property from Waverley Housing, please complete our online application form or contact us at 01450 364200 and we can send you a form in the post.  You may also qualify for a Gold priority pass so please state at the time of registration that you are in the Armed Forces and how long you still have to serve, or the date you left the service.

Who Can Apply for Housing with Waverley Housing?
Anyone aged 16 or over, though our priority is to provide housing to those who make best use of our properties i.e. those who require enough bedrooms to meet their family’s needs. This document is available in the Library – on the Home Page.

How Do I Apply for a Property?
Before you can apply for one of our properties you must first Register with us by completing our Housing Application Form.  This can be cone online or you can contact us and we will send you one by post. Once you have completed and returned this form to us, we will issue you with the registration number you will require when bidding for any of our properties.

If you supply us with an email address, we will send you an email at the start of each week advising you of our latest properties available to let.  Details of these properties will also be posted on our website within the Property Search section.

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