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Repair Response Timescales

Response times for repairs are split into 3 categories of works determining status and response time:

Emergency Repairs

Repairs which are the landlord’s responsibility and if left unattended would constitute a danger to life or limb or result in immediate serious damage to the fabric of the property, example being burst pipes or loss of power etc. They will be attended to within 4 hours of notification to initially remove the source of hazard and make safe.

Urgent Repairs

Repairs that if left unattended for a lengthy period would unacceptably infringe or interfere with the normal occupancy and use of the property and would cause an adverse effect on the fabric of the building, for example, partial loss of water, individual electrical faults.  These repairs will be completed within 3 working days of notification.

Routine Repairs

Repairs that can reasonably wait a period of time to be addressed without causing a significant inconvenience to the tenant.  Examples are repairs to internal joinery, routine plumbing and electrical work.  These repairs will be completed within 10 working days.

Right to Repair
Item Defect Maximum Time

In Working days/Hours

1 Blocked flue to open fire or boiler 1 day
2 Blocked or leaking foul drains, soil stacks or toilet pans where there is no other toilet in the house 1 day
3 Blocked sink, bath or drain 1 day
4 Toilet not flushing where there is no other toilet in the house Emergency (4 Hours)
5 Complete loss of electric power (except where not within the control of Waverley Housing e.g. power cut) Emergency (4 Hours)
6 Partial loss of electric power 1 day
7 Unsafe power or lighting socket, or electrical fitting 1 day
8 Mechanical extractor fan in internal kitchen or bathroom (i.e. where there are no windows) not working 7 days
9 Loss or partial loss of gas supply (except where not within the control of Waverley Housing e.g. shut off by Transco) 1 day
10 Loss or partial loss of space or water heating where no alternative heating is available 1 day
11 Complete loss of water supply (except where not within the control of Waverley Housing e.g. shut off by Scottish Water) Emergency (4 Hours)
12 Partial loss of water supply 3 days
13 Significant leaks or flooding from water or heating pipes, tanks or cisterns Emergency (4 Hours)
14 Insecure external window, door or lock Emergency (4 Hours)
15 Loose or detached bannister or handrail 3 days
16 Unsafe timber flooring or stair treads 3 days
17 Unsafe access path or step 1 day
(NB The maximum time will start the first working day after date reported, working days mean a day that is not a Saturday or Sunday; any public or bank holiday; or day appointed for

The above response times may not be met if, for instance, limited access is given for the reported repair, in storm conditions or adverse weather which would make working unacceptably dangerous or if the repair is dependent on the availability of parts or materials.  Where we are prevented from completing a repair under such conditions, the delay will not be subject to compensation.



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